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Published Work

Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God -
Sermons, Essays, and Worship Elements from the Perspective of Open, Relational and
Process Theology

Surf the Seas of Change with Love
{Matthew 14:22-33}

Editors: Jeff Wells, Vikki Randall, Nichole Torbitzky, Thomas Jay Oord

ScaraSage Press, 2024

Why The Church of the Nazarene Should be Fully LGBTQIA+ Affirming

Essay: An Open Letter to the Church of Nazarene, My Denominational "Mama"

Editors: Thomas Jay Oord, Alexa Oord 

ScaraSage Press, 2023

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Open and Relational Leadership: Leading with Love

Essay: God Leads Like A Midwife


Editors: Sheri Kling, Roland Hearn, Thomas Oord
SacraSage Press, 2020



Essays on the New Worshiping Communities Movement

Essay: Sent By the Spirit for the Transformation of the World

Editor: Mark D. Hinds
Witherspoon Press, 2018


Partnering With God: Exploring Collaboration in Open and Relational Theology

Essay: God's Partnership is Yeasty

Editors: Tim Reddish, Bonnie Rambob,
Fran Stedman, Thomas Jay Oord    
SacraSage Press, 2021

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Women Experiencing Faith

Essay: Waters of Faith

Editors: Janel Apps Ramsey, Thomas Jay Oord
SacraSage Press, 2018


Marks of the Missional Church: Ecclesial Practices for the Sake of the World

by Libby Tedder Hugus,
Keith Schwanz, Jason Veach

Storian Press, 2014

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One in Christ: Reconciliation, Justice, and Mutuality

Essay: God’s Justice in Motion

Editor: Keith Schwanz
Storian press, 2013

Relational Theology: A Contemporary Introduction

Essay: Prayer and Our Relationship
with God

Editors: Brint Montgomery, Thomas Jay Oord, Karen Strand Winslow
Point Loma Press Series, 2012


Conversations on Holiness

​Essay: Love Is…

Editor: Keith M. Davenport
Beacon Hill Press, 2013

Love Among Us

Essay: Love In The Margins


Editors: Darrin Grinder, Thomas Jay Oord
Outskirts Press, Inc, 2009

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